North Macedonia

GCI - Global Citizenship Investment


Greece Flag

Craggy mountain backdrops, time-weathered  mosques, monasteries, stunning lake panoramas, hearty national cuisine – North Macedonia has only one missing ingredient from the standard Europe recipe.

And happily, that happens to be crowds. Landlocked into relative obscurity in a region worshipped for its coast, Macedonia’s tract of the Balkans is often overlooked. Yet for those looking to venture beyond the Adriatic and Aegean, Macedonia’s rugged interior contains rewards aplenty. Excellent hiking can be had in the mountain forests, Lake Ohrid’s waters rival the clarity of Croatia’s and 500 years of Ottoman rule can be acutely felt in the capital’s bazaars.
And to round it all out, the locals will be delighted to have you.

Macedonia is very interested and popular for People! It is since 2005 a EU Joining candidate and will go now very soon in around 2023/24 as a full member in the EU, will also this year a NATO Member.

Under the law of Ministry of foreign affairs of article 11 can a foreigner who meets the requirements referred to in Article 7 paragraph 1 points 1 and 8 of this Law, acquire citizenship of the Republic of Macedonia by naturalization if this is of special scientific, economic, cultural, sports or other national interest. The Government of the Republic of Macedonia shall,by a decree, determine the criteria for special scientific, economic, cultural, sports and other national interest for the purpose of acquiring citizenship, in terms of paragraph 1 of this Article.

Over us, you can apply for the Citizenship. The North Macedonia process takes about 6 months.

Minimum Investment

EUR 220,000 coming soon

Real Estate Investment

EUR 250,000 coming 2021

Business Investment

EUR 400,000

Process Time


The decision on accepting a foreigner to North Macedonia citizenship is in jurisdiction of the Government in case of national interest. That is why we can only submit a limited number of applications.
The government holds the right to approve only specific isolated proposed investors, as well, as to change the contribution price individually.

We have Solution for different Business models, where you see, that through the course of 7 years the investment is paid back



We are proficient in identifying rare and exceptional opportunities around the globe for our clients which combine mainly solid investments leading to benefits of permanent residency, passports, and citizenship in that country. Contact Us